Monday, May 13, 2013, 12:08 AM - Adult and Popular Education

I coordinated and facilitated the Global Change Leaders program at the Coady Institute this past April for seven weeks. Women working against human trafficking, violence against women, bonded labour, for economic security, education. Such a privilege to work with and learn from such an inspiring and dedicated group of women!
This is Kodwa from South Africa explaining the path of women's rights and struggles in Africa as we collectively build Herstory globally. Like her counterparts- powerful.
Monday, August 1, 2011, 01:54 PM - Adult and Popular Education
Peter Taylor (IDRC formerly IDS, University of Sussex) and I just finished an article on the transformative potential of arts in learning and social change. It draws on examples of poetry, creative writing and experiences of innovative practice shared by adult educators through an e-forum from Africa, Asia-Pacific, Europe and North America. The paper provides a conceptual frame to explore tensions in adult learning between the mytho-poetic and the critical-rational, and between the individual and the collective. It will be published in the Journal of Adult and Contiuing Education in October.Contact me if you'd like a copy.
Sunday, May 1, 2011, 01:11 PM - Adult and Popular Education
From February to May, I facilitated a 15-week distance (online) course on community-based microfinance for the Coady Institute with co-facilitators from India and Zimbabwe. Savings group practitioners stayed in their organizations and communities while deepening their practice. The course used a hands-on, peer-exchange, participatory learning format including field-based assignments.
We had participants from Egypt, Kenya, Tanzania, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, the Sudan, India and Guyana. Join us next February. Bursaries are available for field practitioners from the Global South.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008, 10:49 PM - Adult and Popular Education
Higher education institutions constitute an apparently privileged space within which society can question, experiment with and even confront itself. In theory, they can be an environment for creative endeavour. However, numerous contradictions encountered in practice hinder or even impede this being the case as Ivan Illich has long pointed out. In this article, I try to underline the potential that the combination of arts and higher education can offer using a simple framework and some practical examples. I collaborated with the Universities and Social Commitment Observatory and was part of the Scientific Committee of the next GUNI Conference for the thematic line on Higher education, arts and creativity. Sponsored by Catalunya University, Spain, UNESCO and the United Nations University.
Click on related link for the full article.
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Monday, February 11, 2008, 11:52 PM - Adult and Popular Education
This is a short case-study based on a Women's Leadership Certificate that I coordinated at the Coady Institute. I discuss how I used poetry and dance as part of the risk-taking that I felt was a critical part of the success of the program. It is published through the International Development Studies Program at the University of Sussex. Learning and Teaching for Transformation E-Forum.
To get a copy of the case-study click on related link below. There is an English version and a Spanish translation thanks to Orlando Gonzalez.
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