Why we Love Amsterdam 
Saturday, November 24, 2007, 12:07 AM - Inspiring

Amsterdam had over 465,000 bikes in 2006; that is over half the population riding. (Traffic and Infrastructure (in Dutch). City of Amsterdam. Wikipedia.)

and David Bowie's "In the Port of Amsterdam" (check out youtube video)

Below youtube video on bike rush hour traffic....
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The Pluck and Honesty of Morales 
Tuesday, March 27, 2007, 02:37 PM - Inspiring
10 commandments to save the planet, humanity and life

1-Acabar con el sistema capitalista
1-End the capitalist system

2-Renunciar a las guerras
2-Renounce wars

3-Un mundo sin imperialismo ni colonialismo
3-A world without imperialism or colonialism

4-Derecho al agua
4-Right to water

5-Desarrollo de energi­as limpias
5-Development of clean energies

6-Respeto a la madre tierra, Pachamama
6-Respect for Mother Earth

7-Servicios basicos como derechos humanos
7-Basic services as human rights

8-Combatir las desigualdades
8-Fight inequalities

9-Promover la diversidad de culturas y economias
9-Promote diversity of cultures and economies

10-Vivir bien, no vivir mejor a costa del otro
10-Live well, not better at the expense of others

Some Bolivian friends say that he is not without his issues. But you've got to hand it to him. He is making full use of his platform. Nationalized the oil companies. Everyone thought they would pull out. They didn't.

See a BBC interview with Evo Morales below..
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