Wednesday, January 11, 2017, 02:46 AM - Poetry and Writing
Was bloody, half the empire would fall
but battle only lays them for a time
they cut and burned the books to quell the living
Rites of Zhou replaced with rule of law
and rule of land and tombs that fit for kings
an infantry to make it great again,
chains of serfs and bandits moved as one
bound the little states that wrapped Beijing.
Two thousand years, about a million men,
a life for every foot of wall when done.
What is blocked and what is kept within?
Caged white roosters, mortar of human bone
like the scales of a sleeping dragon
and as visible, too, from the moon.
Saturday, December 3, 2016, 02:58 PM - Poetry and Writing
Proud to be part of this chorus of voices speaking out on the American election. Click on the link below to read the poems. | related link
Friday, December 2, 2016, 02:39 AM - Poetry and Writing
like those before him, less blood
or a different kind, different
ceremony but similar use of timing
and Other as when Europe swelled
from pogroms and picket lines.
I don’t mean to equate brutalities
but history is bound by desire
spit and gut.
You can slay an order
when we're grinding our teeth.
The right mix of wind and kindle
a clear enough path
to unleash the legs of flame.
They knew, they know
fear is bloody heady-
we don’t care for details.
We’re tired and
when you’re tired
the smell of body
on altar delivers.
Hot front, full speed
seemed to come from nowhere.
Sunday, November 27, 2016, 01:20 AM - Poetry and Writing
It's hard to hold mist.
Rather, burn off like fog. Sit,
Grin. Let the sky cleave.
Written during the Wisdom of EveryDay Life sessions at the Shambhala Centre, Halifax with Bob and Linda.
Thursday, May 12, 2016, 07:22 PM - Poetry and Writing
For some reason, I've been giving this a lot of thought lately.
I like Adrienne Rich's answer to a similar question, "Can poetry affect social change?":
"Yes, where poetry is liberative language, connecting the fragments within us, connecting us to others like and unlike ourselves, replenishing our desire. . . . In poetry words can say more than they mean and mean more than they say. In a time of frontal assaults both on language and on human solidarity, poetry can remind us of all we are in danger of losing—disturb us, embolden us out of resignation."
Also Seamus Heaney crediting poetry with offering:
"a less binary and altogether less binding vocabulary"
The arresting and nuanced challenge positivist normative ways of thinking and moving in the world. Food for and voice of our authentic selves. What is more political than being completely in our skins?
Jean Baker Miller:
"Authenticity and subjugation are incompatible."
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