Tuesday, June 26, 2012, 06:16 PM - Poetry and Writing
Black folds into fog into forest.
An arm shot bare. On her knees
in the sphagnum humming,
plunging knuckles numb.
One day as any other
you find you’re carrying death.
Lilith came long before Eve.
She led her.
She’s back breathing
night with the sleepless
plucking ferns
by the moon
before they unfurl
unshoe the coming horses.
Monday, June 4, 2012, 05:45 PM - Poetry and Writing
Alessandra Naccarato started a great initiative against Bill 78 in Quebec around poetry. Restricting the right to organize in Canada??!! Where is the Canada we used to be proud of. To go to the poetry website click on related link below. This is one of the two poems that I contributed:
He ordered the trees
and the flowers,
lined up all of the
creatures in
rows, hushed
the forest but
a group of
butterflies began
to emerge. Dozens
then tens of
thousands danced
a red fury,
wings clanging.
| related link
Sunday, December 4, 2011, 01:57 AM - Poetry and Writing
There were only two left:
the word and the hand.
The hand could not hold the word
The word could not read the hand.
But a star chattered to them one night.
If you are right, then one of us is not needed.
What if both of us are true?
Then we don’t need to be two.
What if we aren’t really two?
Then one of us is dead.
What if both of us are dead?
Then there is no need for stars.
Published in THIS Magazine, January 2012.
| related link
Thursday, March 24, 2011, 12:00 AM - Poetry and Writing
Cooling failure, cold
shut down, partial
melting of core, vapor
vented, hydrogen explosion,
(yes you read correctly)
hydrogen explosion,
seawater pumped in,
fuel rods fully
exposed, damage to
system, potential
meltdown feared,
pool holding
spent fuel rods,
pool water levels
receding, reactor
no. 5, no. 6, no. 4
no. 7 - under maintenance
when quake struck.
Saturday, March 12, 2011, 10:30 PM - Poetry and Writing
They Stole Munch’s Scream. Two carried the mouth and two the burnt horizon. Later, it was taken again with the Madonna. The Scream had moisture damage and Madonna suffered several tears on the right side. At first, I read tears and imagined a second soaked canvas. When she gave up her child her voice rebelled for the sounds she didn’t use to cry, no. Words fell out stunned. They flew over the walls and statues into the eyes of lost ships. Spread out on the sea floor, got caught in the coral. The cumulative colour of scream. My birth mother found me decades later, only to lose her own mom. This was a sign, she was sure of it. The gods made her a trade for silence. Gave her a piece of horizon. Carried away her mouth.
Earlier version published in FreeFall Magazine (October, 2010)
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